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Silver Fish


CEO & Founder of 360 Degree Group

Silver Fish Control

A silver fish is usually a small, wingless insect measuring from 1/2 to 1 inch. Because of its fish like appearance and silver scale it is known as silverfish. They generally feed on starch or polysaccharide. These consists of glue, sugar, hair, photos, book bindings, dandruff. They are commonly found in showers, baths sinks, etc where they can find cellulose. In buildings, silverfish exist in sufficiently humid, crevice-rich environments. If these conditions are removed, the silverfish will not be able to survive.

Damages Caused By Silverfish

As silverfish are nocturnal and are most active night and Year-round pests and feed on cereals and non-food items such as paste, paper, starch in clothes, rayon fabrics and dried meats. If not even they can go for up to one year without food, which makes us more difficult to control the infestation. Still we can avoid them by following some methods like eliminating moisture and regular vacuuming. But use sprays, dusts, or baits if conditions are alarming. Treat cracks, crevices, wall voids and other likely hiding spots in the areas where the pests are noticed.

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Pandesara, Surat

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